Hello and happy first day of Spring everybody! 🙂
The snow here in the Swiss Alps has started to melt, the birds are singing louder, nature is waking up after a long winter and there is this sweet smell of warmth in the air. Even if I am already somehow missing the snow and the magic it creates here in the mountains, I also look forward to seeing how this beautiful place will look like once the snow is gone and everything becomes green and colorful! I will keep you posted! Now let’s talk some banana muffins! 🙂
Now the recipe. Please don’t focus on that “vegan” in the title as that just means in this case that there are no dairy or eggs in the recipe but the ingredients are basic and these muffins are so delicious and easy to make. I made them recently again with my 4 year old niece and she almost made them by herself, just with a little help from her aunt so if she can do them, so can you! 😀
This is one of the recipes I came up with last year when because of some health problems with my stomach and digestion I had to stop eating dairy and many other things I enjoyed all my life without any difficulties. It was definitely a challenge but I came a long way in the last 10 months and also learned so much more about food, nutrition and finding that balance with eating healthy but having an occasional treat. In the process I lost 11 kg and got off the medicine just with the help of food and pure aloe vera juice that I believe really helped me to heal.
Well, enough about this for the moment as it is a beautiful sunny day, the Spring is here and I don’t feel like bothering you with my health issues. I’ll write again some other time about this experience and life change… And now finally the recipe for the most delicious banana muffins!
Recipe in English:
- 1½ cup all purpose flour (update: I now use 1 cup all-purpose and ½ cup spelt flour when making these muffins)
- 1 tsp baking soda
- 1 tsp baking powder
- ⅔ cup light brown sugar or coconut sugar
- ¼ tsp salt
- ½ cup coconut oil, melted
- 2 mashed Bananas
- 1 tsp vanilla essence
- ½ cup dark chocolate chips (dairy free if needed)
- Note: 1 cup =240ml
- Preheat the oven to 180 C (360 F). Line the muffin tin with muffin liners.
- In a medium size bowl combine flour, baking soda, baking powder, salt and mix well.
- In another larger bowl combine mashed banana, sugar, melted coconut oil, vanilla essence and whisk well.
- Add the dry ingredients into the wet ingredients and combine. Finally stir in chocolate chips.
- Fill up the muffin liners so they are ¾ full. Bake for about 15 minutes or until the tester when inserted into the middle comes out clean.
- Cool on a wire rack and enjoy!
Recipe in Croatian / Recept na hrvatskom:
- 1½ salica psenicnog brasna (ja cesto stavim 1 salicu psenicnog i ½ salice pirovog)
- 1 zlicica soda bikarbone
- 1 zlicica praska za pecivo
- ⅔ salice smjedjeg ili kokosovog secera
- ¼ zlicice soli
- ½ salice kokosovog ulje, otopljenog
- 2 banane, zrele i izgnjecene vilicom
- 1 zlicica vanilin ekstrakta
- ½ salice tamne cokolade, nasjeckane (veganske po zelji)
- Napomena; 1 salica = 240 ml
- Zagrijte pecnicu na 180 C. Oblozite kalup za muffine (6), ne morate ako koristite silikonski kalup.
- U manjoj posudi pomijesajte brasno, soda bikarbonu, prasak za pecivo i sol i dobro promijesajte.
- U vecoj posudi pomijesajte izgnjecene banane, secer, kokosovo ulje i vaniliju i dobro promijesajte da se svi sastojci povezu.
- Dodajte suhe sastojke u mokre i promijesajte.
- Umijesajte nasjeckanu cokoladu.
- Punite kalupe za muffine tako da budu do ¾ puni. Pecite 15 minuta ili dok cackalica ne izadje uglavnom suha. Pustite da se ohlade i dobar tek!
*Thank you so much for being here, that makes me so happy! You can also follow my Travelling oven on Facebook, Instagram and Pinterest, as well as subscribe to receive new blog posts via email.
Franica says
Draga Lili,
Imala sam toliko toga u glavi sto sve ti napisati, ali uglavnom jako sam ponosna na tvoj rad i jedva cekam isprobati sve recepte
travellingoven says
Hvala ti od srca draga Franica! Puno mi znaci tvoja podrska od pocetka ovog mog puta u svijet fotografije!
Franica says
Kad su placinke uspjele morala sam naataviti … danaa su na raaporedu banane… super recepti..
Sutra naatavljam samo pitanje:mogu li umjesto coconat oil & coconat sugar nesto drugo jer jucer to nisam uspjela naci…
Najdrazi su mi recepti sa vocem ali i povrcem jer moji malisani to ne jedu pa onda moram nekako podvaliti 😊
travellingoven says
Jeeee super! 🙂 Kokosovo ulje je jedna od najboljih i najzdravijih namirnica koje sam uvela u prehranu, super je zamjena za maslac i biljna ulja koja su jako nezdrava. Ja sam npr prije uvijek koristila suncokretovo ulje, a kad sam pocela malo citati i proucavati, shvatila sam da je stetno i da ga je najbolje izbaciti, isto kao i druga biljna ulja. Tako da sada zapravo koristim 2 vrste ulja: kokosovo za kolace/kekse i maslinovo za sve ostalo (obicno maslinovo za kuhanje i pecenje, a extra djevicansko za salate i sirovo). Kokosovo ulje se sad vec moze nabaviti u svim vecim trgovinama i sve vise ga ljudi koriste za slastice. Ako ove muffine zelis probati napraviti bez kokosovog ulja, onda bi zamjena bila rastopljeni maslac (mozda u nesto manjoj kolicini).
Franica says
Znam i ja da su ulja najgora ali jucer sam bila u veliom centru i naisla sam i na bucino ulje, laneno i sve moguce vrate sto niaam ni znala da postoje ali ne kokosovo…ali cu pitati…krecemo malim koracima…i naravno ako budes imala ili nasla kakve zanimljive recepte sa povrcem da bi djeca jela svakako javi..mi bi probali jer su vec dovoljno veliki da prihvate nove stvari..sutra su na redu jabuke …
travellingoven says
Naravno, bit ce zanimljivih recepata! Hvala ti sto me pratis! 🙂