How does Dark chocolate zucchini bread sound to you? 😀 I promise, it’s not weird, you can’t taste zucchini and it’s basically a delicious, soft and moist chocolate cake that it’s called bread just because of its shape.
Also, I know, it’s been too long, more than 3 weeks since the least post but I have a good excuse! I’ve been away travelling for 2 weeks and more on that in one of my next posts where I’ll share a lot of pictures and stories from my Caribbean experience, the people, food, scenery, underwater sea life… I’ll post it as soon as I finish to organize all the thousands of photos! 🙂
When I came back I had few days of adjustment period with a heavy jet lag where I just couldn’t sleep during the night. I would literally wake up around 2 am and that was it, no way to fall asleep again! So during the day I would be like a zombie going around the house and trying to do something useful while I just ended up feeling bad because didn’t have any energy or creativity to do anything rather than the basic house work. Ah well, I guess you have to pay the price for having such a great time and basically best holidays ever! 🙂
After the first good night sleep, I had an idea for the blog. It had to be something chocolaty because well, chocolate is the best thing ever and it had to be on the healthier side as I must admit that I indulged a bit over my vacation and there may have been too many pancakes for breakfast involved! The last post was about Apple zucchini muffins and I remembered that I mentioned I would like to try something with zucchini + dark chocolate combination.
And here it is, Dark chocolate zucchini bread! After going through many different recipes I found one I really liked, the one for Double chocolate zucchini muffins with caramelized buckwheat by Halfbakedharvest blog (you can find it here) but ended up adapting it and changing quite a few things. I made it two times in two days just to be sure it’s delicious before sharing it here and let’s just say that there was a lot dark chocolate tasting involved and just possibly I’ll have to eat kale and broccoli and salad for the next few days! But than again, dark chocolate + zucchini, that’s healthy, right?! 🙂
As I already mentioned, you don’t taste zucchini at all here and it serves to give extra moisture so the cake is all nice, soft and moist. Just be sure to squeeze all the excess water from grated zucchini before adding them to the other ingredients, that’s really important!
Recipe in English:
- 1 large zucchini (or two small) grated
- ½ cup all-purpose flour
- ½ cup spelt flour (or you can use all-purpose instead if you prefer)
- 2 tbsp raw cacao powder
- 1 baking powder sachet (2 tsp)
- ½ cup melted coconut oil
- ½ cup maple or agave syrup
- pinch of salt
- 2 eggs
- ½ cup oat (or other) milk
- 1 tsp vanilla extract
- 100 g dark chocolate
- optional: dark chocolate chips for topping and / or melted dark chocolate fro drizzling once baked
- Note: 1 cup = 250 ml
- Preheat oven to 180 C (350 F). Grease a bread baking pan with a bit of oil or use the silicone one that doesn't require greasing.
- Grate zucchini and drain the excess water using a kitchen towel.
- In a large mixing bowl combine flour, cacao powder, baking powder and salt.
- In another bowl combine melted coconut oil, maple syrup, eggs, milk and vanilla.
- Add grated zucchini to the wet ingredients and stir to combine.
- Add all the wet ingredients to dry ones and stir using a wooden spoon.
- Melt 100 g of dark chocolate on the steam and once melted add to the mixture and stir.
- Pour the mixture into the prepared bread baking pan and sprinkle some chocolate chips on top (optional).
- Bake for 50 minutes or until tester comes out clean. I suggest that after 30 min of baking you cover the bread with a baking paper so that it doesn't burn on top.
- Let it cool before removing form the baking pan and enjoy it still warm or when it's cooled.
- You can drizzle it with some melted chocolate once it's baked.
- Keep in the fridge.
Recipe in Croatian / Recept na hrvatskom:
- 1 velika tikvica (ili dvije manje), naribana
- ½ salice psenicnog brasna
- ½ salice pirovog brasna (ili mozete koristiti samo psenicno brasno po izboru)
- 2 zlice sirovog kakao praha
- 1 vrecica praska za pecivo
- ½ salice kokosovog ulja, otopljenog
- ½ salice javorovog ili agavinog sirupa
- prstohvat soli
- 2 jaja
- ½ salice zobenog mlijeka (ili drugog mlijeka po izboru)
- 1 zlicica vanilin ekstrakta
- 100 g tamne cokolade
- Po zelj: komadici tamne cokolade za posipanje i / ili rastopljena tamna cokolada za preljev nakon pecenja
- Napomena: 1 salica = 250 ml
- Zagrijati pecnicu na 180 C. Namastiti kalup za kruh (ako se koristi silikonski kalup, nije potrebno namastiti).
- Naribati tikvicu i iscijediti visak tekucine koristeci papirnate rucnike.
- U vecoj posudi izmijesati brasno, kakao prah, prasak za pecivo i sol.
- U drugoj posudi izmijesajti otopljeno kokosovo ulje, javorov sirup, jaja, mlijeko i vaniliju.
- Dodajte naribanu tikvicu mokrim sastojcima i promijesajte.
- Dodajte sve pomijesane mokre sastojke suhima i dobro promijesajte.
- Otopite na pari 100 g tamne cokolade i dodajte smjesi.
- Izlijte smjesu u pripremljeni kalup i pozelji posipajte komadicima tamne cokolade.
- Peci otprilike 50 minuta ili dok cackalica (tester) ne izadje pretezno suha. Posljednjih 30 minuta pecenja prekrijte kolac papirom za pecenje kako ne bi previse potamnio na vrhu.
- Izvadite iz pecnice i ostavite da se ohladi prije vadjenja iz kalupa.
- Po zelji prelijte otopljenom tamnom cokoladom i posluzite topao ili ohladjen kolac.
- Drzite u frizideru. Dobar tek!
*Thank you so much for being here, that makes me so happy! You can also follow my Travelling oven on Facebook, Instagram and Pinterest, as well as sign up to receive new blog posts via email and subscribe to my newsletter.
Bethany @ athletic avocado says
Zucchini bread is good, but chocolate zucchini bread sounds even better! I love that I could enjoy a slice of this for breakfast and not feel guilty!
travellingoven says
Thank you Bethany! Chocolate makes everything better! 😀
Inci @ says
Yum! I love Chocolate Zucchini Bread but I have not tried making it with Almond Milk before.
travellingoven says
It’s delicious, I hope you’ll try it out! 🙂