First of all Happy Thanksgiving to all my American followers and all those who celebrated yesterday! Hope you had an amazing day spent with the people you love and lots of good food! 🙂
Now you can have a little break and than it’s time to start preparing for Christmas holidays yaaaay! I am so excited and already in that winter/holiday mood, which is not difficult when you live in the Swiss Alps surrounded by beautiful white mountains and nature already covered with snow. I actually today went to choose our Christmas tree and there will be some serious baking going on this weekend. Also, when you write a food blog, you kind of have to start at least a month early with all the baking because otherwise there is just not enough time to do all that you planned. I mean, who am I kidding, even like this there will not be nearly enough time, specially because I will have quite a few family members visiting and staying with us in December but those are the sweet problems to have! 🙂 Today will be less words and more photos and more cake! Simple apple layer cake!
This Easy apple cake is an old recipe from my mum’s collection of recipes and we have been making it forever. The similar recipe made with semolina and not flour is very popular in Croatia (it’s called “Sipana pita” in Croatian) but in my family we have been doing this version and we love it. It’s so easy to make and the cake is really so delicious and juicy. The preparation of this cake is a little bit unusual as you will see from the recipe but don’t worry, that’s the way it should be done and the juice from the apples will work its magic. One other thing I should mention is that this cake gets better few hours after it’s baked and it’s even better after you leave it in fridge over the night. That’s because the apples and their juice soak the flour mixture and the cake gets very juicy and taste amazing! I hope you’ll try it out! 🙂
Recipe in English:
- For flour mixture:
- 2 cups all-purpose flour
- 1 cup raw cane sugar (or xsylitol sugar)
- 1 sachet baking powder (2 tsp)
- 1 sachet vanilla sugar (optional)
- For apple mixture:
- 1.2 - 1.5 kg apples (about 6-7 apples), peeled and grated
- 1 tsp cinnamon
- 1 tsp vanilla extract
- For topping:
- 1 cup sour cream (I used homemade kefir)
- 3 eggs
- Note: 1 cup = 250 ml
- If you prefer less sweet cakes, you can reduce quantity of sugar to ¾ cup.
- Preheat oven to 200 C (390 F). Prepare smaller rectangular baking tray and grease it well with oil or butter (I used coconut oil).
- First start by preparing the flour mixture. In a large mixing bowl combine flour, sugar, baking powder and vanilla sugar. Divide mixture in 3 equal parts in 3 small bowls. Set aside.
- Prepare the apple mixture by peeling and grating apples in a mixing bowl and adding cinnamon and vanilla, stir to combine. It will be very juicy but that's how it should be.
- Take the tray and assemble the cake in this order:
- First part of flour mixture equally distributed over the tray surface.
- Half apple mixture, equally distributed over the flour mixture.
- Second part of flour mixture, equally distributed over the apples.
- Second half of apples mixture.
- Third part of flour mixture.
- Once you have all the layers of the cake ready, you can prepare the topping. Whisk sour cream (or kefir) with 3 eggs until smooth and combined and pour it over the last layer of the cake (the third part flour mixture).
- Make few little holes in the cake using a fork so the liquid can get to the bottom.
- Bake on 200 C (390 F) for 30 minutes. Remove from the oven and let it cool completely before slicing and serving.
- Note: You can of course eat the cake the same day but it gets better and juicer after a night in the fridge.
Recipe in Croatian / Recept na hrvatskom:
- Za smjesu od brasna:
- 2 salice brasna
- 1 salica nerafiniranog secera (ili brezinog secera)
- 1 prasak za pecivo
- 1 vanilin secer
- Za smjesu od jabuka:
- 1.2 - 1.5 kg jabuka (oko 6-7 jabuka), oguljenih i naribanih
- 1 zlicica cimeta
- 1 zlicica vanilin ekstrakta
- Za preljev:
- 1 salica kiselog vrhnja (ja koristim domaci kefir)
- 3 jaja
- Napomena: 1 salica = 250 ml
- Ako volite manje slatke kolace, mozete smanjiti kolicinu secera na ¾ salice.
- Zagrijte pecnicu na 200 C. Namastite (uljem ili maslacem, ja koristim kokosovo ulje) kalup (25 cm x 34 cm ili slicno) za kolace.
- Najprije pripremite smjesu od brasna. U vecoj posudi pomijesajte brasno, secer, prasak za pecivo i vanilin secer. Podijelite na 3 jednaka dijela i stavite sa strane.
- Zatim pripremite smjesu od jabuka. Ogulite i naribajte jabuke, dodajte cimet i vanilin ekstrakt, promijesajte. Jabuke ce pustiti dosta soka i to sve treba upotrijebiti.
- Uzmite pripremljeni kalup i slazite kolac ovim redom:
- Prvi dio smjese od brasna pravilno rasporedjene po cijelom kalupu.
- Pola smjese od jabuka rasporedjene po smjesi od brasna.
- Drugi dio smjese od brasna rasporedjen po jabukama.
- Drugo pola smjese od jabuka rasporedjene po smjesi od brasna.
- Treci dio smjese od brasna rasporedjen po jabukama.
- Kad imate sve slojeve slozene, pripremite preljev. Izmjesajte kiselo vrhnje (ili kefir) s tri jaja dok ne dobijete glatku smjesu i prelijte preko slozenog kolaca.
- Vilicom napravite male rupice u kolacu kako bi tekucina (sok od jabuka) mogla proci do dna.
- Pecite na 200 C oko 30 minuta.
- Izvadite iz pecnice i pustite da se ohladi prije rezanja i serviranja.
- Napomena: ovaj kolac postaje jos bolji kad malo odstoji, npr preko noci u frizideru.
*Thank you so much for being here, that makes me so happy! You can also follow my Travelling oven on Facebook, Instagram and Pinterest, as well as subscribe to receive new blog posts via email.
I was wondering if i cOuld use grrek yogurt instead of sour cream? Thsnks 🙂
Yes you can, no problem! Let me know how it goes! 🙂