After having this blog and my little corner of internet for about 18 months now and after I shared some of my travel stories from different countries and places, finally it’s time to share a travel photo story from my hometown Dubrovnik. Dubrovnik is a beautiful and very special town on Adriatic Sea in Croatia and has such a long and rich history that it would take me forever to even start. So I’ll keep the facts for you to explore if you want to and I’ll just say that wherever I am and wherever this crazy life takes me around the world, Dubrovnik is where the heart is, where the home is…
Why it took me so long to post this you may ask? Well, I don’t really have a better answer than that in these 18 months I never found the time when I visited home to take my camera and go wander through the streets of my town with a goal to capture a little part of its beauty. So finally this summer I did just that and I went on those walks few times, I wanted to show you at least a part of what Dubrovnik is all about and the biggest challenge was to avoid all the tourists because I wanted photos with more or less no people in them! I managed to do that somehow even if it was a challenge since Dubrovnik is so busy in July and August! I always advise everybody who wants to visit to come in Autumn or Spring or even Winter because all those seasons are so gorgeous in Dubrovnik, the air is clear, the blue of the sea is amazing, there is plenty of sunshine, there is space to walk, explore, photograph, enjoy…
So this is my first post about Dubrovnik but definitely not the last as there is so much beauty to show and every season has its special colours and light but for the moment let’s start with Dubrovnik Summers…
*Thank you so much for being here, that makes me so happy! You can also follow my Travelling oven on Facebook, Instagram and Pinterest, as well as subscribe to receive new blog posts via email.
Predvne slike!!!
Hvala Dunja, bas mi je drago da ti se svidaju!
Fotke su prekrasne, doživljaj Grada bez turističke vreve. Baš onako kako treba biti.
Hvala puno! Upravo sam to htjela postici fotkama tako da sam presretna da vam se svidjaju!
oh this brings me such good memories, we visited croatia and dubrovnik in june and enjoyed every moment. croatia is so beautiful, you are lucky to call this place your home!
I am so happy that my photos brought back some good memories and that you enjoyed your time in Croatia! Thank you for you kind comment! 🙂