How is your January going so far? I’ve been sick the whole first week of the new year so not the best start but I’m looking at it from the positive angle, like ‘let’s do this cold now and than be totally ok for a while!’! 😀 Anyway, it wasn’t great fun and it kind of slowed me down a bit in my plans but I’m getting better now and hopefully soon I’ll be back on track. Because I’ve been feeling sick and the whole dark grey (kind of depressing) weather we’ve been having these days I crave all the warm lovely comforting food like soups, stews, porridges and warm drinks like tea, hot chocolate and this amazing drink I’m sharing with you today, golden milk turmeric latte!
Have you tried this golden warming drink yet? I love it and it feels so good to drink it in the cold evenings when I’m wrapped up in the blanket and all cozy on my sofa (yaaay now that I have a new sofa, read in my last post if you wonder what I’m talking about!!). I’m sure you already know about all the health benefits of turmeric, it’s such an amazing spice that helps fight inflammation in the body, is a strong antioxidant, protects our heart, brain, is helpful for arthritis, improves general immunity and so on…
Turmeric milk, also sometimes referred to as golden milk, is an infusion of either dry turmeric powder or fresh turmeric root in milk. It is traditionally used in Indian households for treating specific diseases as well as a tonic for general health. To get maximum benefits from it we should always use turmeric in combination with some healthy fat (like coconut oil) and a little bit of black pepper. Adding black pepper to turmeric or turmeric-spiced food enhances curcumin’s bioavailability by 1,000 times, due to black pepper’s hot property called piperine. So by mixing turmeric and black pepper together, you increase your body’s absorption of the turmeric by 2000%! It’s pretty incredible right?!
So, did I convince you yet to try this drink? It has such a mild, just slightly spicy taste and you can adjust the sweetness as per your taste by adding honey or maple syrup. Besides all the health benefits, it tastes so delicious and soothing that I would highly recommend it to include in your daily routine. Let me know if you try it out, I’m so curious to hear what you think and if you liked it!
Recipe in English:
- 1 cup almond milk (or other milk of your choice)
- 1 tsp coconut oil
- ⅓ tsp turmeric powder
- small pinch of black pepper (about ⅛ tsp)
- ⅓ tsp cinnamon
- ¼ tsp vanilla powder
- 1-2 tsp honey or maple syrup
- In a small saucepan over low heat whisk milk, coconut oil, turmeric, pepper, cinnamon and vanilla.
- Whisk it and remove from the heat when hot but before it comes to a boil.
- Allow to cool slightly, add sweetener and whisk.
- Adjust sweetness to your own taste.
- Pour it into a cup, sprinkle with cinnamon and enjoy warm!
Recipe in Croatian / Recept na hrvatskom:
- 1 salica bademovog mlijeka (ili drugog po izboru)
- 1 zlicica kokosovog ulja
- ⅓ zlicice kurkume u prahu
- mali prstohvat papra (oko ⅛ zlicice)
- ⅓ zlicice cimeta
- ¼ zlicice vanilije u prahu
- 1-2 zlicice meda ili javorovog sirupa
- U malom loncicu na laganoj vatri mijesajte pjenjacom mlijeko, kokosovo ulje, kurkumu, papar, cimet i vaniliju.
- Mijesajte i maknite s vatre prije nego provrije.
- ostavite da se malo ohladi, dodajte med ili javorov sirup i opet promijesajte.
- Prilagodite slatkocu svom ukusu.
- Ulijte u salicu, pospite cimetom i uzivajte u toplom napitku!

*Thank you so much for being here, that makes me so happy! You can also follow my Travelling oven on Facebook, Instagram and Pinterest, as well as subscribe to receive new blog posts via email.
Sutra jurim po kurkumu,inace je uvijek u kuhinji al mali istrazivac mi ju je rasipala po podu bas neki dan 😀 Slikice su ti fantazija <3
Hvala draga Yaya! Bas sam sretna da ti se slikice svidjaju, a sigurna sam da ce i ovo fino umirujuce zlatno mlijeko! <3
This looks so good Hun. I’m a huge fan of golden mylk and have my turmeric water every morning (almost- to be honest).
I love all these benefits.
Thank you so much dear Annelina! It’s such a delicious and comforting drink, I love it too! <3