How does Dark chocolate avocado pudding sound to you? 😀
Avocado is one of those food that you can learn to like even if you are not a big fan. It’s kind of what happened to me. Basically if you eat it plain, it can be a bit boring (at least to me!) but if you start to add things like a bit of sea salt and extra virgin olive oil or lemon, or if you mash it, season with sea salt and lemon, maybe add some fresh tomatoes and than eat it on toast, or combine it with some other ingredients like broccoli or lentils and than eat as a salad… possibilities are endless! This is actually making me hungry now and I believe I still have one left in the fridge so I think I know what will be my lunch today! 🙂
You can also use avocados in desserts (puddings, creams, brownies, cakes..) and it just makes them nice and creamy and because of its neutral flavor, you can’t actually taste you are eating avocado in your dessert! It’s a good way to include some of those healthy fats (monounsaturated fat, which is a “good” fat that helps lower bad cholesterol, as long as you eat them in moderation) in your treats and maybe to try something new and interesting. Avocados are also a good source of B vitamins, which help you fight off disease and infection and are very high in potassium, which should support healthy blood pressure levels. They also give you vitamins C and E and are low in sugar. If you want to read more about health benefits of eating avocados and find out more interesting information, check out this great article here!
I tried quite a few recipes for chocolate avocado pudding or mousse but than I came up with this recipe that gives creaminess and sweetness just how I like it. I hope you’ll try it out and let me know what you think!
It’s great because it gives you a quick and simple, very chocolaty dessert and at the same time it’s gluten-free and vegan for those who eat that way and overall just good for you!
This recipe serves 2 and you’ll need just 1 avocado, 2 bananas and few other simple ingredients. Make sure that both avocado and bananas are ripe as otherwise you won’t get the right creamy texture.
Recipe in English:
- 1 ripe avocado
- 2 ripe bananas
- 8 dates (or 5 medjool dates), soaked 10 min in hot water
- 2 tbsp unsweetened raw cacao powder
- 1 tsp vanilla extract
- ¼ tsp cinnamon
- pinch of salt
- 3 tbsp coconut or almond milk
- Soak the dates for 10-15 minutes in hot water so they get softer. If you are using medjool dates, they should be soft enough. Peel and cut avocado and bananas in smaller pieces and combine with all other ingredients in your food processor or blender. Blend until it's all combined and creamy.
- Don't worry if your processor is not strong enough to completely blend the dates as they are like little pieces of caramel candy and I actually prefer to leave some little pieces in the pudding.
- Spoon into glasses and refrigerate for at least 3 hours. Serve with strawberries or raspberries and enjoy!
Recipe in Croatian:
- 1 zreli avokado
- 2 zrele banane
- 8 datulja (ili 5 mekih i vecih Medjool datulja), natopljenih u vodi 10-ak minuta
- 2 zlice sirovog kakaa
- 1 zlicica vanilin ekstrakta
- ¼ zlicice cimeta
- malo soli
- 3 zlice kokosovog ili bademovog mlijeka
- Omeksajte datulje ako je potrebno tako sto ih namocite u vodi 10-ak minuta.
- Ogulite avokado i banane i izrezite ih na manje komade. Stavite u vas multipraktik / blender skupa sa svim ostalim sastojcima i miksajte dok ne dobijete glatku i gustu smjesu.
- Servirajte u case i ohladite u frizideru barem 3 sata. Posluzite posuto vocem po izboru, dobar tek!
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