Pancakes don’t have to be only weekend breakfast! You can have them any day of the week, first, because you deserve to start the day with something delicious, second, because these pancakes are actually good for you and we can even call them healthy and third, because they are all done in 5 min so you don’t have really an excuse that they take too much time to make!
– UPDATED with this new photo in 2019
– original photos and post published in 2015… ( I always want to keep original photos and posts because this way I can see progress, I can see how far I’ve come in my photography, my work and overall my life. Even with all the struggles and challenges life sometimes throws at us, it’s so rewarding to know that with hard work, love and passion for what you do… you can achieve so much more than you thought it’s possible!)
These are made with spelt flour what makes them even healthier. Spelt flour is one of the flours I use very often in my kitchen and I love its slightly nutty flavor and the fact that is much easier to digest than the regular wheat flour. Spelt, also known as dinkel wheat, is an ancient cereal grain in the wheat family and there is evidence that spelt was cultivated by ancient civilizations both in Europe and the Middle East thousands of years ago. It is mentioned in the Old Testament and in various Roman texts. It has a nutty and slightly sweet flavor, similar to that of whole wheat flour but unlike wheat, where vital nutritional bran and germ are usually removed during milling, the vital substances of spelt are found in the inner kernel of the grain. Due to spelt’s high water solubility, the grain’s vital substances can be absorbed quickly into the body. The nutrients are made available to the entire organism with a minimum of digestive work. It is also high in protein (Complete Protein: contains all the essential amino acids needed by the human body), Vitamins, Complex Carbohydrates and Fibre.
Have I persuaded you yet to include this flour in you weekly shopping list? 😀
If you don’t have any spelt flour, don’t worry, you can still make these pancakes with regular all-purpose flour or any other you prefer. And by the way, you don’t have to be a vegan. They just happen to be made with ingredients that also vegans can enjoy! 🙂
To make your Wednesday a bit more sweet, I made them two times for you, once with maple + fresh figs + dark chocolate chips topping and the second time drizzled with homemade nutella (recipe you can find here)! Both combinations so delicious and I hope you’ll try to make them for your breakfast one of these days!
Here is the first one…
Recipe in English:
- 1 banana, mashed
- 1 cup spelt flour (or chickpea flour for gluten-free version)
- 1 tsp baking powder
- pinch of salt
- 1 tbsp maple syrup
- 1 tsp vanilla extract
- ¾ cup almond milk (or any other milk)
- coconut oil or other for frying
- Note: 1 cup = 250 ml, ½ cup = 125 ml
- Note: I absolutely love using chickpea flour in this recipe and I tried that only after the recipe was already on the blog for a while so I updated the recipe to include this gluten-free option too!
- Mash the banana with a fork and set aside.
- In a mixing bowl combine flour, baking powder and salt.
- In another bowl combine almond milk, mashed banana, maple syrup and vanilla. Add to dry ingredients and whisk until it's all combined.
- On a medium heat melt the coconut oil in a frying pan and then add the pancake mixture (2 tbsp per pancake). A pancake is ready to flip over when bubbles appear on top.
- Serve them warm with topping of your choice. I suggest maple syrup or homemade nutella (or melted dark chocolate) or jam of your choice. Enjoy!
Recipe in Croatian / Recept na hrvatskom:
- 1 banana, izgnjecena
- 1 salica pirovog brasna (ili slanutkovog za gluten-free verziju)
- 1 zlicica praska za pecivo
- prstohvat soli
- 1 zlica javorovog sirupa
- 1 zlicica vanilin ekstrakta
- ¾ salice bademovog mlijeka (ili drugog mlijeka po izboru)
- kokosovo ulje za przenje
- Napomena: 1 salica = 250 ml
- Izgnjecite bananu vilicom.
- U vecoj posudi pomijesajte brasno, prasak za pecivo i sol.
- U drugoj posudi pomijesajte bademovo mlijeko, izgnjecenu bananu, javorov sirup i vanilin ekstrakt. Dodajte suhim sastojcima i sve dobro promijesajte.
- Na tavi zagrijte kokosovo ulje i przite palacinke (2 zlice smjese po palacinki). Palacinku okrenite na drugu stranu kad se pojave mjehurici.
- Posluzite jos tople sa javorovim sirupom, orasima i kakao zrncima ili po zelji.
Draga prijateljice,
Evo nakon dugooo vremena i citanja tvoga bloga odlucula sam se na isprobavanje recepata.
Palacinke su predobre ispale … oduaevljena sam kako su ukusne. Moram i ja poceti polako upotrebljavati neke zdravije namirnice…
Inace sinoc sam 2 sata citala tvoje blogove jer inace samo preletim i samo sto ti imam reci je SAMO NAPRIJED!!!
Draga Franica, ne mogu ti napisati koliko mi je drago da ti svidjaju recepti i ovo sto radim! I male promjene prema zdravijoj prehrani mogu vec puno znaciti i nadam se da ce ti ovaj moj mali kutak pomoci nekim idejama i savjetima…
Draga, evo i Tomas je odusevljen a on zapravo uopce ne voli nove stvari isprobavati 😉
Jupi!!!!! To me bas veseli! 🙂 Tako mi je bilo jako, jako drago i kad sam napravila prvi put domacu “nutellu” za sestrinu djecicu i kad sam vidjela kako im se svidja! Od tada su postali pravi mali obozavatelji tog slatkog, a zdravog namaza…
Yumm. Tried with chick pea. They burned easily, but still tasted good.
So glad you liked the recipe! Little trick when making them is to watch for bubbles, as soon as they appear you can flip the pancakes on the other side. 🙂
Theyre excellent! So good i didnt even need a topping on them, theyre great straight out of the pan! I got 6 out of that mix and aTe 5 in one go!!
Thanks fOr sharing.
Thank you so much dear Anne! I’m happy you like these pancakes as they are one of my favourite and I make them very often and just change the toppings or eat them as they are without any toppings! <3