I have another healthy and delicious breakfast for you today! I did mention some peanut butter cookies on my Facebook page few days ago and trust me, those are coming to the blog soon but first breakfast!
Are you familiar with millet? Millet is an interesting alternative to the more common grains, it has many health benefits and it can be found in all bigger grocery shops. There are many millet varieties but the most common is pearl millet, which is an important crop in India and parts of Africa. Millet is a good source of protein, dietary fiber, several B vitamins and numerous dietary minerals, especially manganese and it’s also gluten free so a great choice for those who are gluten intolerant or are just trying to avoid it.
In some countries it is a very popular ingredient while in some it’s mostly eaten by people who are on a specific diets due to gluten sensitivity or intolerance. I know for example that in Slovenia, from where my mum comes from, it is very common to eat millet (called “proso” in Slovenian and Croatian) in savory and sweet dishes and one of the most popular is millet porridge, something that I eat regularly whenever I visit mu aunt and uncle in Slovenia. Both savory and sweet version are delicious and it’s such a great ingredient that it’s a shame that most of the time we just reach on the shelf of our grocery shop and buy oats where we can sometimes change things up and buy millet instead. Or some other healthy grain or cereal, there are so many of them and I’ll try to include more recipes with those so called alternative grains in the future.
This time I went with millet in sweet chocolaty version because what better way than introduce new ingredient for your sweet breakfast (or continue using it if you already cooked with it) than to add some chocolate to it! 🙂
I added raw cacao powder while it was cooking and when serving, I added a bit more chocolate yaaay, some dark chocolate and a spoon of homemade ‘nutella’ (if you want to make that one yourself, you can find the recipe here). I also added some crushed walnuts and fresh strawberries but you can use any other fruit you have even though I have to say that strawberries + chocolate combination is yummy!!!! I wanted this breakfast to be healthy so it’s only mildly sweet and if you prefer sweeter flavors, I suggest you add a bit more of natural sweetener to the original recipe.
Recipe in English:
- 1 cup water
- ½ cup millet, rinsed and drained
- 1 cup almond milk (or other milk)
- pinch of salt
- 1-1.5 tsp raw cacao powder
- 3 tsp maple syrup
- For topping
- 1-2 pieces dark chocolate, 1 tbsp homemade 'nutella', fresh fruit (strawberries or other) and some crushed nuts (like walnuts)
- Note: 1 cup = 200 ml
- If you prefer sweeter flavors, add a bit more natural sweetener and adjust to your taste.
- You can also make this a day in advance and keep it in the fridge over night, following morning add some warm milk and you'll have your delicious breakfast ready!
- In a small saucepan bring water to boil, add millet and a pinch of salt.
- Let it simmer over medium heat for about 10 min. If it gets too dry, add a splash of milk,
- Add half of milk, cacao powder and maple syrup and stir well.
- Stir in other half of milk, reduce the heat and let it cook over low heat for another 10-15 minutes stirring frequently.
- When creamy and cooked, remove from the heat and let it cool for 1-2 minutes before serving.
- Serve in a bowl topped with some crashed nuts (I used walnuts), 1-2 pieces dark chocolate, some homemade 'nutella' and fresh or frozen berries (I used fresh strawberries). You can add another splash of milk to your bowl when serving. Enjoy!
Recipe in Croatian / Recept na hrvatskom:
- 1 salica vode
- ½ salice prosa, ispranog
- 1 salica bademovog miljeka (ili drugog po izboru)
- prstohvat soli
- 1 - 1.5 zlicica sirovog kakao praha
- 3 zlicice javorovog sirupa
- Za posipanje: 1-2 kockice tamne cokolade, 1 zlica domace 'nutelle', svjeze voce po izboru i usitnjeni orasi ili drugi orascici
- Napomena: 1 salica = 200 ml
- Slatkocu mozete prilagoditi svom ukusu i dodati jos javorovog sirupa ili drugog zasladjivaca.
- Ovu kasu mozete napraviti i dan ranije i drzati u frizideru do jutra, dodati malo toplog mlijeka pri serviranju i imati spreman ukusni dorucak!
- U manjoj posudi zagrijte vodu do vrenja, dodajte proso i malo soli.
- Ostavite da se na srednje jakoj vatri kuha 10-ak minuta, ako postane presuho, dodajte malo mlijeka.
- Dodajte pola kolicine mlijeka, kakao i javorov sirup, promijesajte.
- Umijesajte drugu polovicu kolicine mlijeka, smanjite vatru i kuhajte jos 10-15 minuta cesto mijesajuci.
- Kad je kuhano, maknite s vatre i ostavite da se ohladi par minuta prije serviranja.
- Posipajte orasima, cokoladom, svjezim vocem po izboru i zlicom domace 'nutelle'. Mozete dodati jos malo mlijeka prilikom serviranja. Dobar tek!
*Thank you so much for being here, that makes me so happy! You can also follow my Travelling oven on Facebook, Instagram and Pinterest, as well as subscribe to receive new blog posts via email.
it’s so creamy .
try to substitute the peanut with “Kacang Mete” for better taste.
Thank you but there are no peanuts in this recipe…
i’m sorry, . i mean crushed nuts, not peanut 🙂
thanks for sharing nice recipe.
success for your blog.
Thank you again for your comment and for visiting! 🙂