Can you believe it’s April 1st today? I’m kind of confused as here on our mountain people are still skiing so you kind of don’t feel that the Spring has actually arrived already. But the good news is that the temperatures are getting higher each day and hopefully in a couple of weeks we can also see a bit of nature’s colors and the lakes and rivers will fill up with water from the melting snow. Can’t wait!
I love apple cakes! They are always one of my favorite, apple cakes, pies, strudels, anything apples I’m a fan. This is a cake that is called “Embargo” and is quite popular in Croatia, normally is made with regular white sugar and all-purpose flour but I made mine a bit healthier by using coconut sugar (that is unrefined and has low glycemic index meaning it won’t raise you blood levels as much as the regular refined sugar) and spelt flour (spelt is an ancient grain that has less gluten than regular wheat, has a slightly nutty flavor and it’s great for baking) but you can use whatever you prefer. This recipe is so easy and all you need is one bowl and you don’t even need an electric mixer, it’s also made without any dairy or eggs so it’s suitable also for vegans. Cake is very moist, juicy, melts in your mouth, sweet and absolutely delicious! I hope you’ll give it a try…
Recipe in English:
- 3 cups grated red apples (about 6 large apples)
- 1 cup coconut sugar (or unrefined raw cane sugar)
- 1 tbsp baking soda
- 1 cup olive oil (not extra-virgin)
- 1 tsp vanilla
- ½ tsp cinnamon
- 2 cups spelt flour (or other)
- ½ cup apricot jam (or other)
- 2 tbsp flaked or ground almonds (or walnuts)
- Note: 1 cup = 250 ml
- If you like less sweet cakes, you can reduce the quantity of sugar to ¾ cup.
- Peel and grate the apples and combine them with sugar, olive oil, baking soda, cinnamon and vanilla in a large mixing bowl.
- Put the bowl in the fridge for 1 hour.
- Preheat oven to 170 C (338 F). Prepare a rectangular baking tray (36 x 24 cm / 13 x 9 inch) and line it with baking paper.
- After removing the mixture from the fridge mix in the flour and stir until it's all combined.
- Bake for about 40 min. remove from the oven and let it cool.
- Once the cakes is cooled, spread the apricot jam on top and sprinkle it with flaked or ground almonds (or walnuts).
- Cut the cake when it's completely cooled. Keep in the fridge.
Recipe in Croatian / Recept na hrvatskom:
- 3 salice naribanih crvenih jabuka (otprilike 6 jabuka)
- 1 salica kokosovog secera (ili sirovog obicnog secera)
- 1 zlica soda bikarbone
- 1 salica maslinovog ulja (ne ekstra-djevicanskog)
- 1 zlicica vanilin ekstrakta
- ½ zlicice cimeta
- 2 salice pirovog brasna (ili glatkog psenicnog)
- ½ salice marmelade od marelica
- 2 zlice listica od badema ili sitno isjeckanih badema ili oraha
- Napomena: 1 salica = 250 ml
- Ukoliko preferirate (kao ja) manje slatke kolace, mozete smanjiti kolicinu secera na ¾ salice ili jos malo manje.
- Ogulite i naribajte jabuke i u vecoj posudi ih pomijesajte sa secerom, uljem, soda bikarbonom, cimetom i vanilijom.
- Stavite posudu u frizider na 1 sat.
- Zagrijte pecnicu na 170 C i pripremite kalup za pecenje (36 x 24 cm), oblozite ga papirom za pecenje.
- Nakon sto ste izvadili posudu sa smjesom od jabuka iz frizidera, umijesajte brasno i promijesajte dok se sve ne sjedini.
- Ulijte u pripremljeni kalup i pecite oko 40 min.
- Izvadite iz pecnice i ostavite da se kolac ohladi.
- Kad je kolac ohladjen, premazite ga marmeladom od marelica i posujte listicima badema ili isjeckanim bademima ili orasima.
- Izrezite kolac na kocke tek kad je u potpunosti ohladjen. Dobar tek!
Hope you’ll make it and like it as much everybody in my family does. I got this recipe from my sister who makes it often for her family and her little ones love this cake! 🙂
I like it with apricot jam as it’s a bit tart, not too sweet and it goes well with the sweetness of apples but you can use any jam that you prefer, for example raspberry one would also go well. Oh and I served it with some coconut cream, yum! Have a great weekend dear people and let me know if you try any of my recipes, I always love hearing from you!
*Thank you so much for being here, that makes me so happy! You can also follow my Travelling oven on Facebook, Instagram and Pinterest, as well as subscribe to receive new blog posts via email.
Izgleda tako sočno i prefino..i boje su mi baš nekako posebne… super kolačić!
Hvala Iva! Stvarno je socan i odlican ovaj kolacic! 🙂
Cao! Da li moze ekstradevicansko maslinovo ulje, samo to trenutno imam, Ili ne preporucujete???
Bok! Moze i s ekstra djevicanskim, ali tada ce se vjerojatno malo osjecati aroma maslinovog ulja pa ako vam to ne smeta, slobodno mozete. Javite kako vam je ispalo! 🙂
pretpostavila sam da je zato, ali ipak da pitam. U nedostatku boljeg rešenja uzeću obično suncokretovo ovaj put 🙂 imam neki smeđi šećer od šećerne trske (nije ni to po receptu :)) ali Važno mi je da sam napla speltino brašno, jer me baš interesuje kakav će ukus biti. Šta mislite da li da menjam količinu šećera s obzirom da nije kao po receptu?
Mozete staviti istu kolicinu secera ili kao sto sam napisala u napomeni, mozete staviti malo manje tj. 3/4 salice secera umjesto 1 salice ako volite malo manje slatke kolace. Nadam se da ce vam se svidjeti! 🙂
Isproban! Kolač je odličan, ja sam oduševljena koliko je jednostavan a kako je ukusan.
Prvenstveno sam uzela da ga isprobam jer očekujemo posetu prijatelja koji je prešao na veganski način ishrane, tako da sada znam šta ću da zgotovim 🙂
Hvala sto ste mi javili i bas mi je drago da vam se svidja! Saljem lijepe pozdrave! 🙂
Oduśevljena sam jednostavnošću pripreme! Smjesa sa jabukama je upravo na hlađenju, dodala sam mrvicu više cimeta jer ga obožavam i pinkicu kardamoma. jedva čekam konačni rezultat 🙂 Hvala na receptu! 🙂
Hvala puno na isprobavanju recepta, jako mi je drago da vam se svidja! Takvi jednostavni i fini su mi najdrazi! 🙂