Do you like pears? I do but they always get sort of overshadowed by apples and to be honest very often I kind of forget about them. Even for this recipe I initially wanted to make an apple baked oatmeal but than I saw these beautiful pears on farmers market and I said to myself, ‘you’ll leave those apples for the moment and this time focus on pears!’ I do that sometimes, have these little arguments with myself, please say you do the same and I’m not this crazy person talking to myself haha! 😀
I’m so inspired by all things Autumn and I think you can tell from my few last posts here on the blog and specially if you follow me on Instagram (here)! Of course Summer was great with all its berries, sunshine and ice creams but there is something magical and so cozy in this darker moody light, all the beautiful red, yellow and burgundy colours that nature is showing us, those rainy afternoons and of course all the gorgeous produce.
I’ve always loved Zagreb in Autumn, even all those years ago when I lived here as a student. The city becomes alive, there is so much going on, specially if you are a foodie like myself! 🙂 There are food festivals, vintage and music festivals, fashion events, roasted chestnuts and corn on cobs on every corner in the city centre and that smell fills the air and makes you feel all happy and warm inside.
One of the things I like to do this time of the year is walking on the slightly wet ground covered with colourful leaves and wild chestnuts (it seems that correct name for those are Horse chestnuts, whatever their name is they are basically beautiful but inedible) and listening to that sound of leaves crackling under my feet… The little things that bring smile to our face and warmth in our heart! <3
This Pear & cinnamon baked oatmeal is so delicious and great for breakfast but of course you can also make it for that little afternoon treat when you still want to have something sweet but not heavy and unhealthy. I suggest making this for breakfast on a weekend when you can put it in the oven, be a little bit patient until it’s ready and than have a lovely warm baked oatmeal for a relaxing late breakfast.
Good thing is that it can stay in the fridge for 2-3 days and it stays delicious and you can warm it up or eat at room temperature. I made it mildly sweet because I wanted to taste those sweet pears and cinnamon but then I sprinkled it with some more coconut sugar before serving. You can make it as sweet as you like and sprinkle that sugar until it’s right for you! 😀
Recipe in English:
- 2.5 cups oats
- 1 tsp baking powder
- pinch of salt
- 2 tsp cinnamon
- ⅓ tsp nutmeg
- 2 tsp vanilla
- 4 tbsp coconut sugar (or raw cane sugar)
- 1.5 cups milk (I used almond milk)
- ¼ cup coconut oil, melted
- 3 large pears, chopped in cubes
- ½ cup nuts of your choice, chopped (I used Brazil nuts)
- Topping: coconut sugar
- Note: 1 cup = 250 ml
- Preheat oven to 180 C / 356 F.
- Prepare a rectangular 24 x 35 cm / 9 x 13 inch baking pan and grease it with oil.
- In a large mixing bowl combine oats, baking powder, coconut sugar, cinnamon, nutmeg and salt, stir well.
- In another bowl combine milk, melted coconut oil and vanilla and stir.
- Add liquid mixture to the oats mixture and stir until it's all well combined.
- Add previously chopped pears and nuts and stir.
- Transfer mixture into prepared baking pan and bake for about 40 min until golden brown on top.
- Cool slightly and serve sprinkled with coconut sugar. Enjoy!
- Note: It keeps well in fridge for 2-3 days.
Recipe in Croatian / Recept na hrvatskom:
- 2½ salice zobenih pahuljica
- 1 zlicica praska za pecivo
- prstohvat soli
- 2 zlicice cimeta
- ⅓ zlicice muskatnog orascica
- 2 zlicice vanilin ekstrakta
- 4 zlice kokosovog secera
- 1½ salice mlijeka (ja sam koristila bademovo)
- ¼ salice kokosovog ulja, otopljenog
- 3 vece kruske, narezane na kockice
- ½ salice orascica po izboru (ja sam koristila Brazilske orascice)
- Za posipanje: kokosov secer
- Napomena: 1 salica = 250 ml
- Zagrijte pecnicu na 180 C.
- Pripremite kalup velicine 24 x 35 cm i oblozite ga papirom za pecenjem nauljite malo dno i stranice.
- U vecoj posudi izmijesajte zobene pahuljice, prasak za pecivo, kokosov secer, cimet, muskatni orascic i sol.
- U drugoj posudi pomijesajte mlijeko, otopljeno kokosovo ulje i vaniliju.
- Dodajte tekucu smjesu u smjesu sa zobenim pahulicama i dorbo promijesajte.
- Dodajte nasjeckane kruske i orascice.
- Rasporedite smjesu u pripremljeni kalup i pecite 40-ak minuta ili dok na vrhu ne dobije zlatno-smedju boju.
- Ostavite da se ohladi i posluzite posuto s malo kokosovog secera (po zelji). Dobar tek!
- Napomena: Mozete drzati u frizideru 2-3 dana.
*Thank you so much for being here, that makes me so happy! You can also follow my Travelling oven on Facebook, Instagram and Pinterest, as well as subscribe to receive new blog posts via email.
Oh how wonderful does this baked oat meal looks like!! wish we could have some now <3 and wonderful that you used pears, they just taste so good right now 🙂
Thank you dear Laura and Nora! I think I need to bake this again while pears are still tasting this good! 🙂