How are you dear people? Any winter blues out there or are you enjoying those cozy winter evenings under the blanket on your sofa? Me a bit of both I must admit, even if the coziness does win over the blues! 😀 I’m a huge fan of being all nice and cozy and creating those special moments out of something ordinary, like having a cup of hot tea while snuggled under the blanket or lighting candles and having fresh flowers at home to bring some colours and warm light to those dark winter days.
Lately there is a lot of talk and articles written about Hygge, a Danish word that describes just that, taking genuine pleasure in making ordinary, every day moments more meaningful, beautiful or special.I read somewhere that hygge is “art of creating intimacy” and I can relate to that as it’s in my nature to do those little rituals daily to help me deal with difficulties and seek comfort in the little things that are, at the end of the day, actually the big things. If your life is too stressful and you feel like the time is running away from you and the problems accumulate, remember to breathe and just BE, take a moment to slow down and enjoy some little rituals that feel good to your soul…
I feel like it’s been a while since we had a savoury blog post here on this little corner of internet! After all the cookies, cakes, chocolate and delicious smoothie bowls I think this beautiful colourful salad is just what we need, am I right?! 🙂 This is a rich salad full of wonderful flavours and it can be great as light lunch but also a great side dish with some kind of meat as main. The earthiness of roasted beetroot, freshness of raw fennel, sweetness of apples and crunchiness of walnuts work so well together!
I hope you’ll give it a try, and please let me know if you do! Whether is for this one or any other recipe from my blog, I always love getting your messages here and on my Facebook page and Instagram, they just warm my heart!
By the way, I know I’m not posting as much here on the blog as I used to but my work flow has changed quite a lot and now I’m focusing more on the quality rather than quantity. I am working very hard and I’m constantly active on my social media but don’t feel that pressure like at the beginning of my blogging days that I have to post on the blog all the time. It’s also interesting to see how my style is changing and how I’m slowly finding my visual voice and I’m enjoying the process and I’m curious to see where it will take me. To be honest I so want to delete some of the photos from the beginning but that would be wrong as it’s all part of the process of growing as photographer and all those delicious recipes are there to be used and enjoyed! 🙂
Recipe in English:
- 3 medium size beetroots, roasted
- 1 medium size fennel bulb
- 1 large apple
- 2 handfuls mixed greens (salad)
- 1 handful walnuts or pecans
- olive oil, salt, lemon juice for seasoning
- 1 tbsp sesame seeds
- Preheat oven to 200 C / 390F. Prepare large baking tray and line it with baking paper.
- Wash beetroots and without peeling the skin wrap each one individually into aluminium foil and place on baking tray.
- Bake them for about 45 min. Remove from the oven and allow to cool before peeling of the skin and cutting into small cubes.
- Slice fennel bulb using mandoline or by hand and place in a large mixing bowl.
- Peel the apple and also slice into thin slices, add it to sliced fennel.
- Add roasted beetroots previously chopped in small cubes, the greens and walnuts.
- Season with olive oil, lemon juice and salt to taste.
- Transfer to a serving bowl, sprinkle with sesame seeds and serve. Enjoy!
Recipe in Croatian / Recept na hrvatskom:
- 3 cikle srednje velicine, pecene
- 1 koromac srednje velicine
- 1 jabuka
- 2 sake mix zelene salate (po vasem izboru)
- 1 saka pekan orascica ili oraha
- maslinovo ulje, sol, limunov sok
- 1 zlica sezamovih sjemenki
- Zagrijte pecnicu na 200 C. Oblozite veliki pekac papirom za pecenje.
- Operite ciklu i svaku pojedinacno zamotajte u alumijinjsku foliju te polozite na pekac.
- Pecite ciklu oko 45 minuta. Izvadite iz pecnice i ostavite da se ohladi prije nego ogulite koru i narezete na kockice.
- Narezite koromac na tanke ploske u vecu posudu.
- Ogulite jabuku i takodjer narezite na tanke ploske i dodajte u zdjelu.
- Dodajte pecenu ciklu narezanu na kockice, zelenu salatu po izboru i orahe.
- Zacinite po zelji s maslinovim uljem, limunovim sokom i posolite.
- Posujte sezamovim sjemenkama i posluzite. Dobar tek!
*Thank you so much for being here, that makes me so happy! You can also follow my Travelling oven on Facebook, Instagram and Pinterest, as well as subscribe to receive new blog posts via email.
Looking absolutely gorgeous! Love the colour combinations – and I bet the taste is wonderful, too! Very nicely done, Lili!
Thank you so much for stopping by dear Miriam and for your sweet comment! I love to eat light lunch like this during the week and than possibly indulge a bit over the weekend (hello pancakes!). 😉
wONDERFUL RECIPE! i didn’t find fennel so I made the salad without it, also added some honey in the dressing and we just loved it!
Thank you for the recipe and I wish you all the best in new year!
Thank you so much for letting me know! I’m so happy you enjoyed this salad and I wish you all the best too! <3