I am sorry I haven’t been posting as often as I would like to but I moved to another apartment and this time not to another country or another city, just to another part of the city, but still moving leaves you stressed, exhausted, shifted out of your routine and your ‘normal’ and it always takes time to get everything unpacked, organized and get your life back on track. Also, summer temperatures are here and that’s definitely not helping! But you got to do what you got do, right? So there is no help in complaining but one by one, box by box and sooner or later all will be done. Have you moved often in your life? Me, about 10 times (not counting few moves in my student years) and in 5 different countries and let me tell you, it doesn’t get easier over time! Actually, it gets more difficult as over the years you have more and more stuff and I won’t admit that there were melt-downs happening where I wanted to get rid of 50% of the things I own! :/
Over the time we accumulate so many things that we don’t really need and many of those are just kept in some cabinets or storage units collecting dust. In fact, I really feel the need to declutter and besides those things that are necessary or valuable, keep only something that really has an emotional value and not every single thing that ‘I might’ need in the future’. How do you feel about this? Do you find it difficult to let go of the things? For me it’s always a challenge as I get emotionally attached to everything! :/ One thing that I definitely declutter with every move is my wardrobe as I always give away to charity all the clothes items that I haven’t worn for quite some time because that probably means that I never will! In fact, sometimes I do it a bit extremely and afterwords feel like I literally don’t have anything to wear. But we often feel that way even if we have wardrobes full of clothes so really if you haven’t worn an item for years, most probably you should get rid of it…
So considering all these (the move, the heat, the new kitchen being a total mess!) , you can understand why I have been eating lots of smoothies, fruit, salads, very simple dishes these days! I am kind of sad that strawberry season is already at the end here in Croatia so I wanted to post one more recipe with sweet strawberries so we can enjoy them till the very last one! 🙂 In European countries that are more in the North strawberry season is still going strong so that’s another reason for posting this now. By the way, have you checked out my recipe for delicious Strawberry banana ice cream, I highly recommend it! Also these Chocolate & strawberries overnight oats that make a perfect summer breakfast!
One thing that I can’t wait to fix and organize is my new little studio corner so I can start shooting and creating new recipes for you! But I hope you’ll understand if it will take me some time to get there! <3 Make sure you subscribe to my blog (just write your email address in the Subscribe box on my homepage) so you don’t miss any new posts…
Recipe in English:
- 1 banana (fresh or previously chopped and frozen)
- ½ cup strawberries
- 1 cup oat milk (or other milk of your choice)
- 2 tbsp yogurt (I used soya yogurt)
- 2 tbsp oats
- pinch of cinnamon
- Topping: shredded coconut, cacao nibs
- Note: 1 cup = 250 ml
- Put all the ingredients in your blender and mix until all the ingredients are well combined and it gets creamy and smooth.
- Pour your smoothie in a bowl, top with coconut and cacao nibs and enjoy!
Recipe in Croatian / Recept na hrvatskom:
- 1 banana (svjeza ili prethodno zamrznuta)
- ½ salice svjezih jagoda
- 1 salica zobenog (ili drugog) mlijeka
- 2 zlice jogurta (ja sam koristila soja jogurt)
- 2 zlice zobenih pahuljica
- malo cimeta
- Za posipanje: mrvice kokosa, kakao zrnca
- Napomena: 1 salica = 250 ml
- Stavite sve sastojke u blender i miksajte dok ne dobijete glatku i gustu smjesu.
- Ulijte u zdjelicu i ukrasite kokosom i kakao zrncima. Dobar tek!
*Thank you so much for being here, that makes me so happy! You can also follow my Travelling oven on Facebook, Instagram and Pinterest, as well as subscribe to receive new blog posts via email.
Hello lovely!! Finally i managed to write a comment on your beautiful blog. your photos are always so stunning, the mood and light is so unique and beautiful! Hope you get settled soon and find a good studio corner 🙂 SEnding you lots of love!
Hi Tiina! Thank you so much for stopping by and for your sweet comment, your support means so much to me and makes me happy!!! 🙂 Sending you lots of love back! <3
Oh I’ve moved so many times myselfe as well, i know exactly how you feel 🙂 Hope you will like your new flat and all the stress is worth it. The smoothie looks super delicious <3
Thank you so much for your kind comment! Moving is always stressful and doesn’t get easier over time but I can’t wait to have my new home all nice and organized (and my shooting studio corner too!) and my life back to normal! <3