We have three days till Christmas and honestly I surprised myself to be posting again as I thought I won’t have time for anything new until after New Year! (By the way, you can find here some last minute Christmas food ideas!). But yaaay I managed to bake and shoot one of my favourite cookies ever, my mum’s delicious soft chocolate crescent cookies that are actually more like mini cakes!
I’m sure every family has that Christmas recipe that is extra special and that is a must for holidays. For us that recipe is for these yummy soft half-moon cookies with sugar glaze. I remember when I was a little girl, me and my sister would ‘help’ mum make these and dipping our fingers into that glossy sugar glaze and scraping every little crumb left after the cookies were made. And how we dipped these in the glass of milk and that was the best thing in the world! Isn’t it beautiful how taste and smell of food can bring so many wonderful memories and bring people together! <3
I already talked a bit about this in my last post for Spelt thumbprint cherry jam cookies but because we are so close to Christmas I would like to say again that yes, we would all love to have it all done by now and our homes looking all shiny and beautiful like those we see on Instagram. But because life doesn’t always work that way and possibly not everything is as we would want it to be, it’s important to know that that’s ok too… Instead of stressing and panicking that we don’t have enough time or feeling like we are not good enough, right now is the time to slow down, to let go, to accept and to remember what truly matters. And what matters are the people, ‘our’ people, the ones who love us unconditionally and are with us in good times and difficult times, people who we love back…
What matters is to spend time with those people, to share a home cooked meal or a cake and a glass of wine. What matters is to bring some joy to somebody who is not as fortunate as we are, with a little gift or a kind word. What matters are the people, love and sharing and not perfectly decorated homes and having ten kinds of cookies…
Let’s be grateful for all the things we have rather than keep stressing about the ones we don’t have and possibly never will. Let’s appreciate all the beautiful things in life because life give us so much no matter how difficult it can get. I keep reminding myself of all this as this year has been a difficult one for me. But still it gave me so many beautiful moments, smiles, beauty, time with the people I love, good food and opportunity to do what I love. So I choose to be grateful and look forward to all that it’s yet to come…
With love and gratitude I’m sharing this family recipe with all of you to say thank you for being here with me, for supporting my work and for your kindness. I wish you all wonderful holidays spent with your loved ones and as I’m not sure if I will be posting anything new before the end of the year, I’m taking this opportunity to wish you all lots of love, health, joy, peace and finding beauty and happiness in little things! <3
Recipe in English:
- 1 cup (240 g) butter, room temperature
- 1 cup (200 g) sugar (I used coconut sugar)
- 8 egg yolks
- 1½ cup (240 g) dark chocolate, grated or melted
- 8 egg whites + pinch of salt
- 2 cups (240 g) all-purpose flour (I used spelt flour)
- For sugar glaze:
- 1¾ cup (200 g) powdered sugar
- 5 tbsp lemon juice
- Note: 1 cup = 250 ml
- Preheat oven to 170 C / 338 F. Line a large baking tray with baking paper.
- Mix egg whites with a pinch of salt until firm peaks form. Set aside.
- In another bowl mix softened butter, sugar and egg yolks until you get a smooth creamy mixture.
- In the yolks mixture stir in grated or melted chocolate and stir using a wooden spoon.
- Alternately add whipped egg whites and flour and stir well until all ingredients are combined.
- Pour and spread mixture into prepared baking tray. Bake 25-30 min.
- While it's baking, prepare the sugar glaze by mixing powdered sugar and lemon juice for about 10 minutes until smooth and glossy.
- Remove from the oven and immediately while still hot pour the sugar glaze over the baked dough.
- Take a glass and press it into a corner to make the circle shape and transfer it to a large plate. Press the glass again so you make the crescent / half-moon shape. Repeat making half-moon shapes directly in the baking tray and keep transferring them to the plate.
- Leave the to cool and store in metal cookies box or airtight container. Enjoy!
Recipe in Croatian / Recept na hrvatskom:
- 240 g maslaca, sobne temperature
- 200 g secera (ja sam koristila kokosov secer)
- 8 zumanjaka
- 240 g tamne cokolade, naribane ili otopljene
- 8 bjelanjaka + prstohvat soli
- 240 g brasna (ja sam koristila pirovo brasno)
- Za glazuru: 200 g secera u prahu + 5 zlica limunovog soka
- Zagrijte pecnicu na 170 C. Oblozite veliki pleh (onaj za pecnicu) papirom za pecenje.
- U posudi izmiksajte bjelanjke s malo soli dok ne dobijete cvrsti snijeg.
- U drugoj vecoj posudi miksajte omeksali maslac, secer i zumanjke dok ne dobijete glatku smjesu.
- U smjesu od zumanjaka umijesajte kuhacom naribanu ili otopljenu cokoladu i nazimjenicno dodavajte snijeg od bjelanjaka i brasno.
- Ulijte dobivenu smjesu u pripremljeni pleh.
- Pecite 25-30 minuta.
- Dok se pece napravite glazuru tako sto miksate secer u prahu i limunov sok 10-ak minuta.
- Izvadite iz pecnice i odmah dok je vruce prelijte pripremljenom glazurom.
- Uzmite casu i odmah vruce i preliveno glazurom utisnite casu u rub pleha, izvadite taj krug na velik tanju i opet utisnite casu tako da napravite oblik polumjeseca. Zatim u plehu direktno casom radite polumjesece i vadite ih na tanjur da se hlade.
- Kad se ohlade, pohranite u metalnu kutiju za kekse. Dobar tek!

*Thank you so much for being here, that makes me so happy! You can also follow my Travelling oven on Facebook, Instagram and Pinterest, as well as subscribe to receive new blog posts via email.
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