So we are two weeks into the new year and I still have to remind myself that it’s 2019 lol, it will take a few weeks more and than I’ll finally get it! How did the year start for you? Over the holidays I really took the time for myself and after a long time allowed myself to slow down, have lazy days doing nothing except being cozy on the sofa, watching movies, drinking tea, eating cookies, going on evening walks…
I really needed that and it’s great when you realise that you actually don’t have to do a lot of things that you stressed about like your life depends on it. It doesn’t and it’s ok to listen to yourself and slow down when needed. As a result of all that, after the holidays I actually felt a wave of creative energy and spent a lot of time working, creating, shooting. Hopefully this phase will last! š
I’ve never made red wine poached pears before but have seen pictures of them and was always amazed by their beautiful colour so I’ll admit that was my main motivation for trying out this recipe and a shoot. But it turns out that I really like them too, it’s a perfect adults dessert when you don’t want something very sweet but satisfying and full of flavours. Obviously you need to like red wine to like this dessert but I don’t have a problem with that as red wine is my favourite. You could always make this dessert a bit sweeter by serving the pears with whipped cream or vanilla ice cream but I enjoyed them simply like this.
Red wine takes all the beautiful flavours of cinnamon, vanilla and orange so it’s kind of like enjoying mulled wine in a form of dessert. Let me know if you try it out, I’m curious to hear what you think! I definitely recommend using a good quality red wine and sweeter pears…
Recipe in English:Ā
- 1 bottle (750 ml) good quality red wine
- 1 cup (200 g) sugar
- 4-5 pears (I used Williams pears)
- 2 cinnamon sticks
- 1 vanilla pod, halved
- ½ cup fresh orange juice
- 1 long strip orange peel (untreated)
- Peel 4Ā medium pears, leaving the stalk intact.
- Put the wine, sugar, orange juice, orange peel, cinnamon and vanilla into a deep medium pan and heat gently until the sugar dissolves.
- Add the pears and make sure they are fully covered by the wine.
- Let them simmer for about 30 mins until they are just tender.
- If you want pears to have more intense colour and flavour, leave them in the syrup in the fridge overnight (like I did here).
- Remove the pears from the pan and boil the syrup to reduce it and make it more syrupy. Cool and serve cold or at room temperature. Enjoy!
Recipe in Croatian / Recept na hrvatskom:
- 1 boca (750 ml) kvalitetnog crnog vina
- 1 salica (200 g) secera
- 4-5 krusaka (ja sam koristila Viljamovke)
- 2 stapica cimeta
- 1 mahuna vanilije, razrezana po duzini
- ½ salice svjezeg soka od narance
- 1 dugi komad kore narance (neprskane)
- KruÅ”ke ogulite pazeÄi da zadrže oblik i peteljku.
- U lonac prikladne veliÄine ulijte crno vino i sok od narance te dodajte Å”eÄer, stapice cimeta, mahunu vanilije i koru od narance. Neka se lagano zagrijava dok se secer ne otopi.
- Dodajte kruske pazeci da budu pokrivene vinom.
- Kuhajte na laganoj vatri 30-ak minuta dok kruske malo ne omeksaju.
- Ako zelite da imaju intenzivniju boju i okus, ostavite ih u sirupu preko noci (u frizideru).
- Izvadite kruske is sirupa i stavite da se sirup kuha na laganoj vatri dok se malo ne zgusne.
- Ohladite i posluzite, dobar tek!

*Thank you so much for being here, that makes me so happy! You can also follow my Travelling oven onĀ Facebook,Ā InstagramĀ andĀ Pinterest,Ā as well as sign up to receive new blog posts via email and subscribe to my newsletter.Ā
Wow, I just randomly came across this blog. These photos are beautiful. The pears and fabric in this one look painted. Was that intentional? What a unique and beautiful combination of colors and textures.
Hi Kelly, thank you so much for stopping by and for your kind comment! I’m so happy you like my photos! Yes, I intentionally used those colours that work so well together and set up this little scene that I had in my mind for these lovely pears. š