It’s been way too long since I posted a savory recipe on the blog but recently I’ve been inspired by some beautiful fresh produce I got at the farmers’ market and I knew I wanted to make a colourful and refreshing winter salad so here it is!
This salad has so many wonderful flavours and textures, from intense and slightly bitter taste of radicchio and endive, sweetness of oranges, creamy mozzarella, crunchy walnuts and delicious lemon, honey and olive oil dressing. I eat this salad as a main dish and don’t need anything else with it. Ok, I won’t say no to a nice slice of a crusty bread! 🙂
In the recipe I just wrote all the ingredients and not the quantities as the quantities really depend on the fact to how many people are you serving this salad and also if you are serving it as a side dish or light main dish. I hope that’s ok for you!
On another note, how was your January and can you even believe that it’s February already!? Like how did that happen? Ah well, I guess there is no point in complaining but I’ve been really missing a real winter and snow. We had only one night snow here in Zagreb and I took that opportunity to go for an early morning shoot the following day to capture some of that winter beauty. I was planning to do that again and then maybe do a blog post with those images but we didn’t have any snow since and for the moment it doesn’t look like we will. What a shame, no real winter this year and I’m pretty disappointed with that but what can we do but go with the flow. Before we know it it will be Spring already so it’s better that I post this winter salad as soon as possible while it’s still the right time for that!
Recipe in English:
- radicchio
- endive
- fennel
- mozzarella di bufala
- oranges
- grapefruit
- walnuts
- For dressing: lemon + olive oil + honey
- sea salt for seasoning
- Note: I didn't write the quantities as you can adjust those according to your needs and wishes.
- For the dressing I used 2 tbsp olive oil + 1 tbsp lemon juice + 1 tbsp honey.
- Wash the fennel, radicchio and endive. Peal oranges and grapefruit.
- Cut fennel into thin slices and tear the leaves of radicchio and endive into bite-sized pieces and put them in a large bowl. Add slices of orange and grapefruit, mozzarella and walnuts (you can toast them before for more flavourful taste).
- To prepare the dressing whisk olive oil, lemon juice and honey and drizzle it over the salad, add salt per taste and serve in a large bowl. Enjoy!
Recipe in Croatian / Recept na hrvatskom:
- Sastojci:
- radic
- endivija
- koromac
- mozzarella di bufala
- narance
- grejp
- orasi
- Za preljev: maslinovo ulje + limunov sol + med
- morska sol
- Napomena: Nisam pisala kolicine jer ih mozete prilagoditi svojim potrebama i zeljama ovisi za koliko ljudi pripremate ovu salatu te da li je planirate posluziti uz glavno jelo ili kao lagano glavno jelo.
- Za preljev sam koristila 2 zlice maslinovog ulja + 1 zlicu limunovog sola + 1 zlicu meda.
- Priprema:
- Operite koromac, radic i endiviju. Ogulite narancu i grejp.
- Narezite koromac na tanke kriske i listove radica i endivije pokidajte na manje komade, stavite sve u vecu zdjelu. Dodajte kriske narance i grejpa, mozzarelle i oraha po zelji (mozete ih prije tostirati za bogatiji okus).
- Za preljev pomijesate maslinovo ulje, limunov sok i med te prelijte preko salate. Zacinite morskom soli po zelji i posluzite. Dobar tek!

*Thank you so much for being here, that makes me so happy! You can also follow my Travelling oven on Facebook, Instagram and Pinterest, as well as sign up to receive new blog posts via email and subscribe to my newsletter.
Hey Lily..! this looks amazing & more colorful, as well…i will try to make this, from your recipe…Thanks for sharing….!
Hi Samantha, thanks so much for stopping by! I’m really glad you like this recipe, it’s healthy, refreshing and delicious! 🙂
Thank you very much! 🙂
Thankyou for the article.
Hi Lily! this looks so delicious and colorful. I cannot wait to try it soon. Thanks a ton for sharing!
Thank you very much for your comment and for visiting my blog! Hope to ‘see’ you again here in this little corner of internet! 🙂
thanks for publishing the great article.