Can you guess what is the most popular blog post on Travelling oven so far? Well, pasta of course! More specifically the one for Tagliatelle pasta with black truffle sauce that is also probably the most simple recipe I have on the blog. Conclusion is that people like pasta and simple recipes so it was about time after 3 years to put another pasta recipe on the blog lol! 🙂 This time it’s Spaghetti with kale, green peas and pancetta, a dish that I love and make often when craving pasta, sometimes I use wholewheat and other times spelt spaghetti so that depends what you prefer of course.
I don’t know about you but I really love kale and eat it often. Sometimes when I don’t feel inspired or I’m too tired to cook something more complicated, I just roast some sweet potatoes with a bit of rosemary or as other option boil some regular potatoes and make a salad with fresh kale & potatoes, seasoned with lots of olive oil and sea salt. Simple, delicious and healthy meals like that are just the best!
Kale is incredibly healthy and here are just some of the basic facts about this amazing vegetable:
- kale is very high in nutrients
- it’s loaded with powerful antioxidants (so are all leafy greens and that’s why is good idea to include them in our diet as much as possible!)
- it’s extremely high in vitamin C
- kale is one of the best sources of vitamin K
- it’s very high in beta-carotene, the carotenoid that the body converts into vitamin A as it needs it
- it’s rich in fibre making it great for our digestion system
- it’s high in calcium
These are just some major health benefits of kale and I hope I reminded you to eat your leafy greens! 🙂 Here is a link to another great idea how to include amazingly healthy leafy greens in your meals, I suggest these savoury swiss chard or spinach muffins, so simple, so good…
In this recipe to my beloved kale I added also some green peas, pancetta and Parmesan and I just love that combination, hope you will too. Let me know if you try it out! It’s been so long since I posted a savoury type of recipe here and I think I will do it more often from now on. Also, I would love to hear from you what kind of content you enjoy the most. I do have some ideas what I want to add to the types of posts I usually do here and I hope it will work out well and hopefully many of you will find it helpful and interesting. More about all that soon… 🙂
Recipe in English:
- approx. 200 g spaghetti pasta
- 1 smaller head of kale, cleaned and sliced
- 150 g green peas (canned or previously cooked)
- smaller piece of pancetta (bacon), cut in small cubes
- ½ red onion, cut in small cubes
- olive oil
- sea salt
- Parmesan cheese, grated
- In a large saucepan heat up the olive oil, add cubes of onion and pancetta and stir for about 1 minute over medium heat.
- Add sliced kale, little bit of water and leave cooking until kale softens a bit. Add salt per taste and green peas (canned or previously cooked). Stir, leave cooking for 1-2 minutes and then remove from the heat.
- Fill a large pot with water, add sea salt and bring to boil.
- Once the water is boiling, add pasta and leave cooking as per instructions on the packaging.
- When pasta is cooked, drain the water and add pasta to previously prepared kale, green peas and pancetta. Stir, drizzle with olive oil and sprinkle generously with grated Parmesan. Enjoy!
Recipe in Croatian / Recept na hrvatskom:
- 200 g spageta
- 1 manja glava kelja, oprana i razrezana na trakice
- 150 g graska (konzerviranog ili prethodno skuhanog)
- manji komad pancete, narezan na kockice
- ½ crvenog luka, narezanog na kockice
- maslinovo ulje
- morska sol
- Parmezan, nariban
- U vecoj dubokoj tavi zagrijte maslinovo ulje i dodajte narezani luk i pancetu mijesajuci oko 1 minute na srednje jakoj vatri.
- Dodajte narezani kelj, malo vode i ostavite da se kuha dok kelj malo ne omeksa. Dodajte soli po zelji, grasak, promijesajte, ostavite da se kuha jos minutu-dvije i maknite s vatre.
- Napunite veliki lonac vodom, posolite i ostavite da voda zavre.
- Nakon sto je voda zavrela, dodajte spagete i ostavite da se kuha po uputama na pakiranju.
- Kad je pasta kuhana, procijedite i dodajte spagete u prije pripremljeni kelj, grasak i pancetu.
- Promijesajte, zacinite maslinovim ulje i naribanim Parmezanom. Dobar tek!
*Thank you so much for being here, that makes me so happy! You can also follow my Travelling oven on Facebook, Instagram and Pinterest, as well as sign up to receive new blog posts via email and subscribe to my newsletter.
Just made this with all the produce from my garden! I grew the spaghetti squash from seeds I saved from a store bought squash last year. Used a combination of Swiss chard, lacinato kale and arugula, added a small onion with the garlic. Added some tiny tomatoes before the mozzarella. Soooo good!
Oh your flavours combination sounds amazing! Thank you so much for trying out the recipe and making your own delicious version! 🙂
marvellous…..this is an amazing and more colorful like a beautiful garden….i want to make it…really it such a mouth watering recipe….Thanks for sharing a delicious recipe….!
Thank you so much for taking the time to write such a sweet comment! You put a smile on my face! 🙂
This is an amazing pancetta….and this looks more delicious & so yummy…i can’t wait to make it…Thanks for sharing a beautiful recipe….!
Thank you so much Olivia for taking the time to write and for your kind comment! Specially now we need to enjoy the little things! <3
This is an unbeatable recipe…till now ..i really enjoyed and love your inserted images as well….i can’t wait make it….Thanks for sharing…..!
Thank you very much dear Samantha! I’m happy you like it! 🙂