So how about some Chocolate chip banana bread today? I think it’s something that everybody likes, at least I haven’t heard yet of somebody who would say no to this yummy sweet bread (who are we kidding, it’s a cake in a shape of a bread!). There are so many versions, with or without chocolate, with or without eggs, dairy free or with regular milk etc. I like to try out different recipes for Banana bread and so far I have tried quite a few, most of them with chocolate involved because chocolate makes everything better! For vegans there is also dairy free dark chocolate so there are no excuses! 🙂
The one I’m sharing with you today is one of my favorite so far. There are no eggs and I used oat milk instead of regular one and it can be also made gluten free if you used GF flour instead of the one in the recipe. I love the blog where I found this recipe, it’s called Chocolate covered Katie and it’s full of amazing desserts, obviously many of them with chocolate so it’s easy to understand why I love it so much! If you haven’t already, go check it out, I want to try ALL Katie’s recipes, they are so good!
Recipe in English:
- 2 cups white spelt flour (or other flour of your choice)
- 1 tsp baking soda
- ½ tsp cinnamon
- 1 tsp baking powder
- pinch of salt
- ⅓ cup oat milk (or other milk)
- 1 tsp vanilla extract
- ½ cup maple or agave syrup
- 3-4 ripe mashed bananas (depending how large the are)
- ½ cup dark chocolate chips
- Note: 1 cup = 250 ml
- Preheat oven to 175 C / 350 F. Prepare bread baking tin and line it with baking paper (no need if using silicone one).
- In a larger bowl combine all dry ingredients.
- In a smaller bowl combine all wet ingredients and mix into dry (don’t over mix.)
- Add and stir in chocolate chips.
- Pour into a greased loaf pan and cook 45-50 minutes, depending on how gooey you want it. (Tip: If the top is cooked but the inside is still gooey, put tin foil over the top and continue to cook.)
- After removing from the oven, let cool for ten minutes before slicing.
- Before serving drizzle it with melted dark chocolate (optional). Enjoy!
Recipe in Croatian / Recept na hrvatskom:
- 2 salice bijelog pirovog brasna (ili drugog po izboru)
- 1 zlicica soda bikarbone
- ½ zlicice cimeta
- 1 zlicica praska za pecivo
- prstohvat soli
- ⅓ salice zobenog (ili drugog po izboru) mlijeka
- 1 zlicica vanilin ekstrakta
- ½ salice javorovog ili agavinog sirupa
- 3-4 zrele banane, izgnjecene (ovisno o velicini)
- ½ salice komadica tamne cokolade
- Napomena: 1 salica = 250 ml
- Zagrijati pecnicu na 175 C. Kalup za kruh obloziti papirom za pecenje (nije potrebno ako je kalup silikonski).
- U vecoj posudi pomijesati sve suhe sastojke.
- U manjoj posudi pomijesati sve mokre sastojke i dodati ih suhima.
- Nemojte previse mijesati. Umijesajte komadice cokolade.
- Ulijte smjesu u pripremljeni kalup i pecite oko 45-50 min (pred kraj pecenja mozete prekriti papirom za pecenje kako na vrhu ne bi previse potamnio).
- Izvadite iz pecnice i ostavite da se ohladi prije vadjenja iz kalupa.
- Prije posluzivanje po zelji prelijte rastopljenom tamnom cokoladom. Dobar tek!
ORIGINAL PHOTOS FROM 2015… We all start somewhere, right? 😉
I can definitely have banana bread everyday, but I can have CHOCOLATE banana bread every meal. This looks SO DELICIOUS. YUMMMMMMM
Thank you Pang!!! I could have it every day too! 😀
Hi, this looks lovely, just wondering what size loaf tin the recipe is for and do you think buckwheat flour would work with this? Many thanks
Thank you Laura! I used 26 x 12 cm (10 x 5 inch) loaf tin and if using buckwheat flour, I would rather mix it with some other flour (like GF mix if trying to avoid gluten or spelt or all-purpose) than using buckwheat only. But that’s me, if you don’t mind strong buckwheat flavour, I guess it should work fine although I’ve never tried it in this recipe so can’t be sure. Let me know how it went if you try it!