You all know how much I love chocolate but I’ll be honest with you, I needed a little break from all the chocolate I consumed last week. Remember when I was testing a recipe for these Dark chocolate coconut oil brownies (here) that are amazing by the way and made them 3 times in 2 days! Also keep in mind that at the moment I live alone as my husband is temporary working in another country so than you can understand why me and chocolate needed this little time apart. 😀
So to balace things out a bit, I was eating a lot of vegetables these days, salads, sautéed, roasted, you name it! I mean, I eat a lot of veggies always but these days that was like the main food I enjoyed so to make it a bit more interesting I made these savoury muffins! These are made with chard (also known as Swiss chard) but can easily be made with spinach instead.
Are you familiar with chard?
It’s leafy green vegetable often used in Mediterranean cooking and we use it a lot here in Croatia. It’s so healthy and flavoursome and most often we prepare it by boiling and than serving with boiled potatoes and generously drizzled with extra virgin olive oil. Recently I’ve found this recipe in one of the magazines so I made some changes to it and here is my version for these delicious muffins. They are perfect for a snack or you can add a salad on the side and have a complete lovely vegetarian meal. If chard is not easily found where you are, you can made these with cooked spinach instead, there won’t be much difference. I know I’ll be making these often and I hope you’ll like them as much as I do! 🙂
If you make any of my recipes, you can always send me a photo on my Facebook page (here) where I have an album with your photos only and you can also hashtag photos #travellingoven on Instagram, I always love seeing what you made!
Recipe in English:
- 1 cup + 2 tbsp flour (I used spelt)
- 1 sachet (or 1 tbsp) baking powder
- 1 cup chard (or spinach), previously cooked and finely chopped
- 2 eggs
- 3 tbsp grated Parmesan cheese (or other)
- ¼ cup olive oil
- ⅓ cup milk (I used unsweetened almond)
- 1 tsp salt
- pepper (optional)
- Note: 1 cup = 250 ml
- It's important to squeeze excess water from chard (or spinach) after it's cooked and before it's chopped!
- Start by cooking / boiling a bunch of fresh chard or spinach in a salted water (enough to get a full cup when it's cooked and finely chopped). Once cooked allow to cool, squeeze all the excess water before chopping it finely. Set aside.
- Preheat oven to 175 C / 350 F. Prepare muffin tin and line it with muffin liners.
- In a large mixing bowl add eggs, milk and olive oil and whisk until it's all combined.
- In another mixing bowl add flour, baking powder, salt, grated Parmesan cheese, chopped cooked chard (or spinach) and mix using a wooden spoon until it's combined.
- Add this dry mixture into the wet one and mix gently to combine. Don't over mix it.
- The mixture should be thick so if it's too liquid, add a bit more flour.
- Fill muffin liners up to ¾ and bake for about 40 min until golden brown.
- Let them cool slightly before serving. Enjoy!
Recipe in Croatian / Recept na hrvatskom:
- 1 salica + 2 zlice brasna (ja sam koristila pirovo brasno)
- 1 vrecica praska za pecivo
- 1 salica blitve (ili spinata), prethodno kuhane, ocijedjene i sitno isjeckane
- 2 jaja
- 3 zlice naribanog Parmezana (ili drugog tvrdog sira)
- ¼ salice maslinovog ulja
- ⅓ salice mlijeka (ja sam koristila nezasladjeno bademovo)
- 1 zlicica soli
- Napomena: 1 salica = 250 ml
- Vrlo je vazno iscijediti sto vise tekucinu iz blitve (ili spinata) nakon kuhanja, a prije sjeckanja!
- Skuhati blitvu (ili spinat) toliko da dobijete punu salicu (250 ml) nakon sto ste skuhanu i ohladenu blitvu iscijedili i sitno isjeckali.
- Zagrijati pecnicu na 175 C. Pripremiti kalup za muffine (onaj za 6 muffina).
- U vecoj zdjeli pomijesati jaja, mlijeko i maslinovo ulje dok se sve ne poveze.
- U drugoj zdjeli dodati brasno, prasak za pecivo, sol, naribani Parmezan, ocjedenu i isjeckanu blitvu i sve dobro promijesati.
- Dodati ovu suhu smjesu u mokru od jaja, mlijeka i ulja i sve lagano promijesati. Smjesa bi trebala biti dosta gusta, ako vam se cini da je previse tekuca, mozete dodati jos malo brasna po potrebi. Napuniti kalupe za muffine do ¾ i peci oko 40 min dok ne dobiju lijepu zlatno-smedu boju.
- Malo ohladiti prije serviranja. Dobar tek!
*Thank you so much for being here, that makes me so happy! You can also follow my Travelling oven on Facebook, Instagram and Pinterest, as well as subscribe to receive new blog posts via email.
Your pictures are getting better and better. I love the light here and the recipe sounds delicious.
Thanks for sharing.
P.S. Chocolate breaks every once in a while are good aren’t they? 😉
Thank you Kimberly for your support and kind words, that means a lot to me! <3 P.S. Definitely as long as they don't last long! 😉