Whenever I make something so simple as this dessert, I always have second thoughts if I should put it on the blog or not as you might think it’s too simple to even call it a recipe! But than again I think how amazing it tastes and it’s also healthy and good for you so I usually decide to put it here as I want to you to enjoy it too. And anyway those of you who are following me here in my little corner of internet know already that I’m not a kind of food blogger who makes ‘stunning multi-layers complicated to make’ cakes and desserts. I’m all for simplicity, easy desserts with few ingredients, made with healthier ingredients, the ones that basically anyone can do! So for all those reasons I am sharing these delicious and creamy Peanut butter and raspberry chia jam parfaits with you today!
Are you a fan of peanut butter and jam combination? Honestly in Croatia or any other countries that I lived in it’s not nearly such a popular combination like in the US and for a long time I never even tasted it as I thought it’s something that I won’t really like. Also it seemed a bit unhealthy and overloaded with calories and sugar, specially in a form of a sandwich so that was also a no-no in my book. So what changed you may think?! Well, when I changed the way I eat about 4 years ago and started paying attention to ingredients I use and making sure I eat real wholesome food and not processed food with huge amount of sugar and all other weird and un-healthy stuff, one of the things I introduced into my diet were nut butters.
As I stopped eating butter, cream, milk and most of the dairy products (I still eat hard cheeses and cannot give up on that as I love cheese so much and I don’t think there is anything wrong with that!), I was looking for something creamy and delicious that could be a kind of a butter replacement and than I discovered the wonderful world of nut and seeds butters! 😀 I’m talking tahini (probably my favourite!), almond butter, cashew butter, peanut butter and so on… Those creamy spreads are so amazing and full of healthy fat but it’s very important to buy only the ones that are made with 100% nuts or seeds and no added sugar, salt, palm oil etc. If you buy the ones that have all those nasty stuff, than they are definitely not good for you anymore. Another thing that is important is the quantity, even if they ARE healthy, they are also very rich in calories so a small quantity goes a long way!
For all of you peanut butter lovers, make sure you check these recipes too:
- The most delicious Peanut butter chocolate chip cookies (GF)
- The best peanut butter pancakes
- The creamiest Chocolate & Vanilla peanut butter smoothies (vegan, GF)
Recipe in English:
- ¾ cup (200 ml) firm yogurt (I used soya yogurt)
- 1 cup (125 g) raspberries, frozen or fresh
- 1 tbsp maple syrup
- 1 tbsp water
- 1 tbsp chia seeds
- ½ tsp vanilla extract
- 4 tbsp peanut butter (no added sugar, oil and salt)
- Topping: cacao nibs
- Note: 1 cup = 240 ml
- Combine raspberries, maple syrup, water, chia seeds and vanilla in a small pan and let it cook over low heat stirring occasionally.
- In about 10 minutes remove from the heat and let it cool.
- Prepare serving glasses and put a layer of yogurt, layer of raspberry chia jam and a thin layer of peanut butter.
- Repeat one more time and sprinkle cacao nibs on top of the peanut butter layer.
- Serve parfaits cold or at room temperature. Enjoy!
Recipe in Croatian / Recept na hrvatskom:
- ¾ salice (200 ml) cvrstog jogurta (ja sam koristila soja jogurt)
- 1 salica (125 g) malina, smrznutih ili svjezih
- 1 zlica javorovog sirupa
- 1 zlica vode
- ½ zlicice vanilin ekstrakta
- 4 zlice maslaca od kikirikija (bez dodanog secera, ulja i soli)
- Za posipanje: kaako zrnca
- Napomena: 1 salica = 240 ml
- Pomijesajte maline, javorov sirup, vodu, chia sjemenke i vaniliju i pustite da se kuha 10-ak minuta na laganoj vatri povremeno mijesajuci.
- Stavite sa strane da se ohladi.
- Pripremite case za serviranje i slazite sloj jogurta, dzema od malina i tanki sloj maslaca od kikirikija, ponovite jos jednom i posipajte kakao zrncima.
- Posluzite hladno ili na sobnoj temperaturi. Dobar tek!

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